THRILLMAKER: Dee most possible successor of MUPH crown

Michelle Dee (Instagram)

The crowning of the 71st Miss Universe in New Orleans, Louisiana, once again, declares the throne of the Miss Universe Philippines queen vacant, with a new search for the country’s next delegate most likely to commence immediately after the MUPH Team returns to the country sometime soon. Already, there are names being floated as among the potential contenders to the crown. One of whom came very close at actually clinching the title, finding herself holding hands with eventual winner Celeste Cortesi, during the local pageant’s finals last year.

Miss World Philippines 2019, Miss Universe Philippines Tourism 2022 and Kapuso Star Michelle Dee is said to be eyeing the right to represent the country in the next edition of the world’s most prestigious pageant. In a recent one-on-one with the Thrillmaker, Michelle confirmed she is not shutting the door for a possible second attempt at winning the MUPH crown: “Anything is possible. I am one who does not like regrets if I feel there is something left for me to offer, if I feel like I can still beat my last performance there’s a very high chance that I might do that.”

As a reigning titleholder, however, wouldn’t she have to wait another year to be able to join the pageant for the second time? “I do not have an international pageant to compete for so in terms of eligibility, yes, I would be eligible if ever I do decide to join again,” she confirmed.

Given her openness to take a chance on entering the MUPH system once again, what seems to be stopping her at this time to make a final decision on the matter?

“Of course, I’ll still wait for the universe for signs to see if everything can make way for it. I do have a lot of prior commitments. I am launching two businesses. I just launched a health and beauty company a few months ago. But joining again is one of the options that I’m considering,” she said. Michelle is currently still shooting her parts for a Kapuso Network series that is likewise a big break for her already promising showbiz career. Preparing herself for another round of competitive pageantry will also be a challenge especially since she wants to show great improvement from her last showing to seal a win on her second MUPH try.

“You know when I reviewed my last performance, admittedly I believe I did extremely better than my Miss World performance. So, my goal, if ever I do join again, will be to be extremely better than my last turn, which was last year. There’s always something to improve on,” said the determined beauty titlist.

Given what she has witnessed as far as changes in the Miss Universe Pageant are concerned, isn’t she a bit daunted by what the pageant may now be looking for in a winner? The daughter of the iconic Miss International winner from the Philippines had this to say: “I think, for any industry, there is always room for evolvement. I think having a new owner really gives us a breath of fresh air and a chance for it to keep on improving and be more inclusive and I think that is the goal of pageantry, to promote inclusion. So as long we’re staying true to the core of what pageantry is then change is always welcome.”