Motorcade, procession to mark feast day of Sto. Nińo de Praga in Antipolo City

Procession and motorcade will mark the celebration of the feast day of Santo Nińo in Antipolo City on weekend.

On Sunday, Jan. 15, at 3 p.m., the image of Santo Nińo de Praga will be brought out for procession in the vicinity of Cogeo Village in Antipolo City.

Parishioners holding their respective Sto. Nino images are expected to walk behind the carroza or float bearing the image of the country’s most popular figure of the Infant Jesus.

Prior to the procession which will start at the Sto. Nino de Praga Parish Church at GSIS Avenue in Cogeo Village, the priest will bless the images that churchgoers will bring to the religious event.

On Saturday, Jan. 14, a motorcade for the image of the Sto. Nińo around Cogeo Village and its vicinity will be held at 5 p.m.

Similar religious events are expected to happen in other parts of Rizal where chapels and parish churches are dedicated to the Santo Nińo.