The Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) has garnered the highest ratings among the institutions and legal professionals in the Justice Sector based on a survey conducted by the Social Weather Station (SWS).
PAO Chief Persida V. Rueda-Acosta said that “PAO and its lawyers got the highest net trust ratings of +57 and +58 in the Justice Sector per SWS Survey.”
Acosta noted that the conduct of the SWS survey was funded by Governance in Justice (GOJUST) which is a justice reform program funded by the European Union (EU) in partnership with the Philippine government.
She said the survey results show that PAO got a +57 rating and topped the institutions in the country’s Justice Sector.
Included in the survey were the barangay government with +50; city or town government, +52; Philippine National Police (PNP), +47; Supreme Court (SC), +42; trial courts, +40; and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), +41.
At the same time, Acosta said that PAO lawyers also lead n the survey results with a +58 rating among the professionals in the country’s Justice Sector. Private lawyers got +43 rating; judges, +37; prosecutors, +35; and police, +33, she said.
Acosta said the result of the survey were presented during the National Summit on Access to Justice through Cultivating Approaches on Legal Aid being held in Bacolod City from Nov. 27 to 30.
TAGS: #PAO #SWS survey