The city government of Pasay City conducted a job fair in celebration of World Tourism Day 2022 at the Cuneta Astrodome on Nov. 3.
Mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano said the job fair, with the theme “Emi: Mega Tourism Job Fair” is a project of the city Tourism and Cultural Development Office in coordination with the Pasay Employment and Services Office.
Rubiano said 50 employers, both local and abroad, participated in the mega job fair.
She told residents who wanted to be hired on-the-spot to visit the Cuneta Astrodome from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and apply.
The mayor said the city government conducted the job fair to help those who are looking for a job, fresh graduates, and those who want to change their careers.
Rubiano said that by 12 noon, the city government was able to hire 22 individuals on-the-spot.
She also reminded all those who are looking for jobs to strictly observe the local health protocols being implemented by the city government, particularly the EMI habit (Ensure to always wash your hands, Mask is a must, and Implement physical distancing).