LOOK: Angelica Panganiban marks daughter's 1st month sharing more pictures of her

Actress Angelica Panganiban has finally introduced her baby girl with Subic-born yacht designer partner Gregg Homan to the public.

To celebrate baby Amila Sabine's first month in the world, the first-time mom uploaded photos of her daughter.

"Hello world! It’s been a month. mom and dad are finally ready to share me with you. So, here i am," Angelica's caption read.

Of course, the 35-year-old's colleagues in showbiz were ecstatic to see the cute pictures.

Maymay Entrata commented: "Halaa apaka cute man nyan mam oy."

And Maris Racal, Isabelle Daza, and Liz Uy couldn't agree more.

Many of Angelica's fans were also happy to finally see it.

They noted how those were the snaps that they have been waiting for.

"She’s so beautiful. thank you for sharing her with us,god bless you little one," one wrote.

"So adorable! So you! What an angel! Happy 1st baby," another added.