PH urges UNESCO to keep sight of SDG

The Philippines has urged UNESCO to continue with its functions despite challenges brought by COVID-19, especially by investing in quality education and focusing on other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Philippine Ambassador to France and Permanent Delegate of the Philippines to UNESCO Junever West made the country’s appeal in a statement recently delivered during the Opening Plenary of the 215th session of the UNESCO Executive Board.

West stressed the timely conduct of the Transforming Education Summit as she said investments in education is key.

She also highlighted that climate change is among the greatest threats affecting nations and people.

In her remark, she shared that the Philippines is gearing towards implementing the Ocean Decade through multi-stakeholder collaboration and with the active involvement of the youth.

West also emphasized the invaluable and unplumbed contribution of culture and the creative economy to the attainment of SDGs by noting the Philippines’ experience in its successful implementation of the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators.

“We look forward to more UNESCO projects aimed at strengthening and empowering the capacities of our artists, artisans, indigenous cultural communities, cities and other stakeholders,” she said

West ended the country’s statement by reiterating that amid pandemic that led to global impact and of institutional reforms within UNESCO, “we continue to strive for concrete and practical actions and decisions aimed at achieving our goals and objectives, by further strengthening and supporting UNESCO's Regional Offices, the National Commissions, and other key partners.

“We must keep our sights on our common goals and ensure inclusivity at all levels,” she added.