Asia’s Phoenix Morissette, one of the talents on NYMA’s roster, continues to fly high on social media with her trending song “Gusto Ko Nang Bumitaw.”
“Gusto Ko Nang Bumitaw” recently went viral online after Morissette and Asia’s Songbird Regine Velasquez did a stellar duet of the song on “ASAP Natin ‘To.” The video, which has now garnered 2.5 million views on YouTube, even spawned the #gustokonangbumitawchallenge, where celebrities, influencers and netizens shared their versions of the song on social media platforms.
Jodi Sta. Maria, Rochelle Panganiban, Ivana Alawi and her sister Mona were among celebrities who created their own entertaining renditions of the song in response to the challenge. Other celebrities who joined the trend are Jerald Napoles, Kim Molina, Zeus Collins, Christian Bautista, Aiko Melendez, Samantha Bernardo, and comedian Chad Kinis, among others. On TikTok, the song challenge has reached 288.4 million views.
Originally sung by Sheryn Regis, the song became popular again when it was used as one of the six tracks from the official soundtrack of “The Broken Marriage Vow,” the ABS-CBN show that starred Sta. Maria, Zanjoe Marudo and Sue Ramirez.
Morissette also currently dominates the Philippine iTunes charts with her version of “Pagbiyang Muli,” reaching #1 for the alternative genre. The single, originally sung by Erik Santos, is part of composer/songwriter Jonathan Manalo’s tribute album, "The Music of Jonathan Manalo : 20 Years."
To further solidify the singer’s dominance on streaming platforms, Morissette hit 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify last October 1.
Morissette, who just recently released two singles, girl boss anthem “Power” and her first Bisaya-English song “Undangon Ta Ni,” can be regularly seen on television as a Jukeboss in “Sing Galing Kids.” Watch her teach the future generation of Pinoy singers on TV5 every Saturday at 6pm
She also performs occasionally on “ASAP Natin ‘To,” which streams on ABS-CBN Entertainment’s YouTube channel and airs on A2Z and TV5 channels every Sunday from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. Both shows are also seen on TFC.