The Muntinlupa City government has started installing security outposts manned by the police 24/7 to step up efforts in security and order.
As of Sept. 27, the security outposts have been put up at the City Alternate Route Entry and Exit (C.A.R.E.S.) guard house in Pleasant Village in Barangay Bayanan, and Soldier’s Hills and Caltex gas station along National Road in Barangay Putatan. Additional outposts will be installed in the coming days.

The decision to place security outposts was made after messages spread in August on social media about the alleged kidnapping incidents in Muntinlupa.
On Messenger, people forwarded the message, “Attention Everyone!!! Mag ingat po ang lahat sa pag uwi, maging aware sa paligid as much as possible mag pasundo sa kanino pag uuwe may mga cases na sa Muntinlupa Area. Soldiers: 3 cases of kidnapping, Katarungan: 2 cases of kidnapping, Bayanan Area : 2 cases of kidnapping.” (Attention Everyone!!! Please be aware when you go home, be aware of your surroundings as much as possible ask someone to fetch you, there are already cases in the Muntinlupa Area. Soldiers: 3 cases of kidnapping, Katarungan: 2 cases of kidnapping, Bayanan Area : 2 cases of kidnapping).”
Muntinlupa Mayor Ruffy Biazon immediately asked the Muntinlupa police to investigate the alleged kidnapping incidents, which turned out to be false.
At the start of his term as mayor, Biazon ordered the police to increase their visibility in different areas in Muntinlupa and the Public Order and Safety Office and City Security Office to increase roving patrols.