MOVIEGOER: Beauty Gonzalez: 'Respect yourself, respect your partner'

Beauty Gonzalez

Beauty Gonzalez makes a good example among women who can efficiently combine married life with a flourishing acting career.

The former PBB housemate says she looks beyond the glamour aspect of TV and film work and keeps herself grounded by family and ordinary, day-to-day concerns.

Beauty says she never really considered herself beautiful, especially when she was younger. “I doubted why my mother gave me a name like that, what if I were ugly,” she laughed out loud on the day she signed an endorsement contract for Beautehaus, the skin care clinic of Beautederm.

 Beauty says that to last as an actress in this business, one has to be beautiful inside and out. “There are so many new actresses sprouting here and there so that one has to be on her toes. One has to take care of her looks all the time.”

Beautederm president Rhea Anicoche Tan says non-invasive treatments at Beautehaus, presently at a standalone clinic in Angela Village in Angeles City, help defy aging. Beautehaus will soon open its main clinic at the Beautederm Building rising along the Angeles national highway before year-end.

Beauty is one of the most successful graduates of PBB. She has metamorphosed into a fine actress professionally and a no-nonsense family woman personally.

Asked how she can balance career and family, the actress said respect is essential. “Respect yourself, respect your partner. That accounts for a happy marriage,” she said, speaking like a woman toughened, wisened by the years. The actress is married to Norman Crisologo by whom she has a daughter.

Beauty, in fact, doesn’t consider overstaying in the field of acting. “Like I said before, I hope to retire in six years. I want to step down while I’m still looking good and pretty.” She’s 31 as we speak in this open forum being held at a Quezon City hotel.

Meanwhile, Flower Sisters, Beauty’s next series on GMA, launches her as a full-blown contravida, mean to the bone. “I am very excited about showing this other side,” she said.


PASSERBY: Arjo Atayde’s forthcoming thriller, Cattleya Killer, premieres at Palais des Festivals, venue of the market event in Cannes, France on Oct. 19.

Bea Alonzo believes it’s best that she and boyfriend, Dominic Roque, maintain separate careers. The veteran actress rules out any acting project with her man, for the moment. “We work out better this way,”
she said.

Bea’s first series under GMA, Start Up, airs this month. She’s at work on 1521, an international film, set in Palawan, about the historic journey of Magellan to the Philippines.