The local government led by Mayor Licerio M. Antiporda III hopes to enter their 350-meter long malaga grill in the Guinness Book of World Records this year.
The event was graced by Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Regional Office 2 (DA-BFAR-RO2) Director Angel B. Encarnacion and attended by major stakeholders.
Highlight of the four-day festival was the grilling event July 26 on the shoreline of Barangay Centro where 2,070 kilos of malaga were cooked on a 350-meter long bamboo grill.
Antiporda said the event aimed to showcase the successful malaga aquaculture production here using fishcage technology.
He also urged the establishment of a hatchery to sustain their production to at least twice a year and contribute to the government's food security program.
Encarnacion lauded the LGU for spearheading the celebration which he said is a significant contribution of aquaculture technology and other fisheries interventions that provide livelihood and sources of income.
He assured that the bureau will continue to distribute malaga fingerlings to backyard fish cage operators as part of the aquaculture development enhancement program.
They will also conduct training, render technical assistance to operators, and monitor water quality of the Buguey Lagoon to ensure production of quality and safe malaga.
Other activities during the event were a medical mission, boat races, and malaga and guraman cookfest.