Dad, here’s to you!

Loving greetings from children to their fathers

Fathers are, by stereotype, unsentimental, but we know their soft spot—their kids! We conspired with their mothers, Mai Kaufman, Kai Nakanishi Lim, Mookie Katigbak Lacuesta, Chinkee Clemente Koppe, Sonee Brizuela (and her husband’s colleague Francene Callueng), Kelly Misa Fernandez, and Dr. Aivee Teo, and also Kristian’s sister Kerry Tinga, to get these men of the day the greatest gift, their children’s love and affection.



David with wife Mai and daughters Alexa and Calista

We just want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us. Please know that we appreciate you and love you so, so much. You’re the best!

—Calista and Alexa



Brian with wife Kai and kids Aki, Kenji, and Yumiko

Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for bringing us to Bangkok! Thank you for being caring and loving, to all of us. Hashtag love!

—Aki, Kenji, and Yumiko



Sarge with son Lucas and wife Mookie

Thank you for always being there for me, for always playing with me, thank you for not just being a dad but also for being a friend. Thank you for playing chess, even if I only won like two games, and thank you, for, yeah, for being a great dad. I love you so much!




Matt with daughter Chiara and wife Chinkee

He always plays with me and he also helps me be healthy by giving me water and giving me fruit shake. His fruit shakes are yummy! Happy Father’s Day, Papa. I love you!




Jayson and daughter Isha

Thank you for being fun, watching things with me, also playing games with me. I’m very lucky to have you as a dad. Thank you very much! Happy Father’s Day!




Carlos and son Tristan and wife Kelly

He’s funny, he likes to play with me, and we go on adventures together. Hi Dad, Happy Father’s Day! I’m so glad you are my dad and…and I love you!




Snooky and twin daughters Kikay and Kukay

We joke about it a lot, but hate to admit it but we sure wouldn’t be who we are today without you. One of the things we are really grateful for is how you raised us. (Love how we turned out, laughs), but we’re sure you are aware of what you have done for us throughout the years. Thank you for that and thank you for continuing to do all those things. Can’t wait to annoy you for the rest of your life. Happy Father’s Day. Love you!

—Kikay and Kukay



Z with daughter Keli, son Ken Z, and wife Aivee

Thank you, Daddy, for always spending time with me, being with me and making me laugh. I really love when we make jokes together, we walk around, and I love it so much when we go on holidays because they're a great time to spend with Mommy and Daddy, and I love you so much. Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!




Freddie with daughter Kylie, sons Kristian and Kirk, daughter Kerry, and wife Kaye

Happy Father’s Day to my dad. Thanks, Pa! And I hope you understand that I really do appreciate everything that you do for me, though sometimes you may not see it, not just things like basketball, though that’s the thing that probably keeps us the closest, but the little things I do. I appreciate how much you support me and everything that I do and how you pique my interest in things outside of just basketball that I have to keep up with. Love you!
