Now serving in a changed world

RETURN OR RESTART The world opens up. Are you ready?

As the world is opening up after a series of lockdowns over the past two years, the question is are we in a period of return or reset? Do we claim back life as we used to know it or must we start life anew, armed with all the lessons the pandemic has taught us?

Among the many lessons of Covid-19 is that the world is no longer as safe as we once thought. After over two years, however, we’ve also learned that life is short and we cannot live the rest of it in hiding.

We’ll never know until we venture out, until we see for ourselves what the world is now looking like outside of our safety nets and our Covid-safe comfort zones. Among the many lessons of Covid-19 is that the world is no longer as safe as we once thought. After over two years, however, we’ve also learned that life is short and we cannot live the rest of it in hiding.

Included in today’s issue is a 24-page special edition anchored on the theme, “Now Serving.” (Check out the articles tagged #NowServing.)

It’s a collaboration with our supporters and advertisers from all sectors of the economy, such as retail, real estate, food and beverages, entertainment, fashion, travel, tourism, and hospitality, the academe, technology, etc. 

It’s a record of how the world, here in the Philippines and in other countries, where more and more pandemic restrictions are being dropped, is reopening doors and windows—and borders—to the pleasures and treasures of living.

It’s a showcase what’s new, what’s changed, what’s back, and what’s better, with more than a few tips on how to overcome re-entry anxiety and how to stay safe when venturing out.

The pandemic isn’t over, but the world is ready to face it with equal measures of boldness and caution. It’s no longer the same world, but it’s just a matter of time before we become used to how it has changed and start living normal in it again.