Beach, please! 

The health benefits of going to the beach 

Growing up in a coastal city, I could vividly recall my childhood years when we would frequent the beach, most especially when we have coughs and colds following the doctor’s advice. I have watched countless movies where the sick protagonist would go near the ocean to recuperate. Does the beach possess healing powers? What is it about the sun, sand, and sea that make us come back with renewed vigor?


Let’s talk about the scorching sun, which helps the skin produce vitamin D. When the skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet B rays, the skin produces the active form of vitamin D, which is D3 by interacting with a protein called 7-DHC in the skin. 

Vitamin D aids in the absorption and regulation of calcium and phosphorus for stronger bones, teeth, and muscles. The sunshine vitamin also plays a major role in reducing the risk for severe illnesses related to immunity—a great concern during this Covid-19 pandemic and the rising cases of cancer as well.

Exposure to sunlight also helps the body produce the hormone serotonin. As the sunlight enters the eyes, parts of the retina signal the brain to produce said hormone. This mood-balancing hormone also promotes the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Furthermore, serotonin does not only regulate mood and emotions but appetite and digestion too.

Far infrared rays from the sun are natural, invisible rays that have the longest wavelength. They are not harmful, unlike the ultraviolet rays that can cause sunburn with prolonged exposure. Far infrared rays promote internal warming in the body by increasing the body’s core temperature, thus improving blood circulation in the skin and other body organs. It is associated with improved overall health and healthier heart and blood vessels.


Walking on the beach will make your muscles and tendons work harder. It will not only strengthen you but will likewise make you burn more calories compared to simply walking on a flat surface. Want to lose weight? Walk on the beach if you have the luxury of regularly doing so.

Walking on sand improves blood circulation. Some studies have shown that sand training or sand exercise for team sports reduces performance injuries, muscle damage, and soreness that may arise from heavy training. This is due to the lower impact forces experienced during training on sand. People with limited movements due to inflammatory conditions like arthritis are likely to benefit from walking on the beach to alleviate pain.

Bodies of water like waterfalls and oceans produce water-generated negative ions or anions. Widely known to be potent air purifiers, anions offer health benefits that go beyond cleaning the air around you. 

Skin exfoliation is another benefit of walking on the beach. The sand is a natural exfoliant or body scrub. It will remove dead skin cells and make the soles of your feet softer.


Bodies of water like waterfalls and oceans produce water-generated negative ions or anions. Widely known to be potent air purifiers, anions offer health benefits that go beyond cleaning the air around you. Anions help relieve symptoms of allergies to dust, molds, and other allergens. It impacts the immune system. Some studies have shown that negative ions enhanced the cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells, which are white blood cells produced in the body. Natural killer cells limit the development and spread of tumors, cancer cells, and infections caused by microorganisms.

Moreover, negative ions act as natural antidepressants as some studies have shown. When these anions enter the bloodstream, biochemical reactions occur that increase the levels of serotonin, earlier on referred to as a mood-stabilizing hormone. Safe to say, going to the beach is one way to relieve you of your stress.

“The color blue has been associated with feelings of calm and peace. Staring at the ocean changes our brain waves’ frequency and puts us into a mild meditative state,” said clinical psychologist Richard Shuster, PsyD.

What are you waiting for? Plan a day at the beach and reap its benefits. 

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