Boosted Paranaque residents less than 40% -- Mayor Olivarez

Paranaque City Mayor Edwin Olivarez urged city residents, particularly senior citizens, to get boosted against Covid-19 for their additional protection.

Olivarez said during the regular Monday (April 11) virtual flag raising ceremony sponsored by the Office of the Senior Affairs Association (OSCA) that only less than 40 percent of city residents received their booster shot against the virus.

He said getting boosted against the virus will also prevent the mutation of variants of Covid-19 and will help in the country's transitioning from pandemic to endemic or the new normal.

The mayor also said the efficiency of the second dose of vaccines diminishes after three months and it is very important to get additional protection by receiving the booster shot.

Olivarez said the city government continues its response against Covid-19 especially the PDITR (prevent-detect-isolate treat and reintegrate), observance of minimum public health standard, and the simultaneous vaccination in the city’s 16 barangays.

He said the City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU) reported that as of April 10 (Sunday), 12 out of 16 barangays in the city already registered zero Covid-19 case.

CESU reported the city recorded one new active case, bringing the total to eight.

Olivarez said the remaining communities with Covid-19 cases are BF with three, Don Bosco with two, and San Dionisio and Sto. Nino with one each.