It's still the first quarter of the year so we can still catch up with getting fit for 2022. "“Strength, in the physical, mental, and emotional sense, is key to living a fulfilling life," says Kinetix Lab’s Coach Marlon Lugue.
Find your strongest self is the ultimate goal. "What we want is for people to feel at home—somewhere they can be vulnerable, so we can work on what they want while keeping in mind what they need, Coach Lugue adds. "In the physical sense, being strong allows you to address almost all other physical attributes associated with health, fitness, and performance. In the mental sense, strength allows creative and assertive resolutions to otherwise daunting and crushing challenges or conflicts. Finally, in the emotional sense, being strong simply gives you a higher threshold for the rigors of modern living."

The past two years have opened up our minds to prioritize what truly is important, and it's our health. Not only did we realize we are what we eat, we also need to get moving to keep our bodies in the best condition. Kinetix Lab aims to help more people in this mission by opening up another branch. From The Podium, they now have a new location in UP Town Center which offers the same quality facilities and services.
"We’ve been here for quite some time, and we know what we’re doing, as evidenced in the hundreds of lives we've made better. We don't like to brag about our facilities, equipment, and amenities since you can easily buy those. If you have enough capital, putting up a nice place with all the bells and whistles would be a breeze. What we have are conviction and passion—Conviction to deliver what is promised and passion to do things in the most creative and heartfelt manner,” adds Coach Marlon.

Known for being a powerlifiting gym, this doesn't hinder others to avail of the gym's services. "We understand, more than ever, the different dimensions of getting physically stronger and healthier. Kinetix Lab espouses finding your own version of stronger," says Coach Marlon. "Kinetix Lab is our home, and our community is the family that resides in it. Most of the people in the gym know and are acquainted with each other. It’s not uncommon to see several members flocking around on the gym floor, cheering on a fellow member for a big lift. This is a common sight in our facility. We all support each other. The big difference with our community is that, despite socializing within and without the confines of Kinetix Lab, we still mean business.