'Miracle' Oil in a bottle

The daily toils, challenges, pains, and uncertainties of life shroud people from noticing and appreciating the good things that are happening all over.

A miracle is a very profound happening as it is both objective and subjective. What seems a miracle to John may be a common thing to Paul. It can be instant, it can be a work in progress.

VRT Donates: Part of VRT Brilliant Oil Corp.’s commitment to help during this pandemic, led by its CEO and president (far left) Mr Vicente Tobias and VP for Operations Christine Roque (far right), donated some health products to the Coastguard recently.

While the inexplicable cure of a terrible illness or terminal cancer, or a windfall that changed somebody’s destiny, or unimaginable good things taking place somewhere, may rightfully merit the profound definition of a miracle, the usual, small wonders that shape and affect mankind’s existence may as well be regarded as miraculous.

And the list goes on but there are thousands of miracles that people take for granted every day, even those that have created the condition of the possibility for a quality of life that could only have been described as miraculous in centuries and millennia past. For example, think of antibiotics, discoveries of antiviral medications, hearing aids, surgical technologies, radiology, MRI, dental procedures, organ transplantation, blood transfusion and so much more. Aren’t they unbelievable and amazing in nature, like that of a real miracle?

Such is what led Vicente Tobias to unravel his own encounter with miracles. Sometime in 2011, he had a stroke that nearly cost him his life and limited him from doing any activity. Before suffering from stroke, Tobias was enjoying the perks of a good real estate business. He’s known to his colleagues as a very hardworking realtor, dedicated husband and father, and a focused and determined businessman who is always passionate about his works and projects.

Desperate to get back to his normal life, he devoted his time and financial resources to conduct his own research how his body can recuperate from the stroke. That was when he realized that the human body is made up of minerals. In fact, there is at least 102 minerals found in a person.

Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85 percent is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life.

Calcium(Ca) is the most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for a number of vital functions. The body needs adequate dietary calcium (alongside vitamin D and several other nutrients such as vitamin K) to develop and maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Raising Awareness: VRT Brilliant Oil Corp. is actively giving seminars tapping reputable sources who can discuss and talk about the importance of minerals in the body. Through this simple awareness programs, its loyal customers and prospects will understand that health matters and what our body needs in times of illnesses.

“A lot of people do not even realize that. We are all mineral based and so we should enrich them in our body, especially the one that are insufficient as that may cause imbalance,” Tobias explained.

His recognition of these scientific facts inspired him to concoct important mineral oils, which gave birth to Brilliant Oil or Brilliant Mineral Drops. He refers to it as miraculous most of the time because of what it can do to the body.

The Brilliant Oil is made up of 16 minerals and elements extracted from plants, which he explains as the very resource given by God to people.

“When God created human, He first created his natural resources, these are the plants and vegetation He has given complete dominion to men,” Tobias added.

Tobias recalled the time when he started formulating the concoction, which he thought would benefit his health, he already noticed remarkable improvements in his body barely after week of using this special blend of mineral oils. And within just one month, he has fully recovered as if nothing happened at all, prompting him to produce more of the oil and made them available to everybody.

 “We also tested the oil with another patient and the result was just as impressive,” Tobias added.

Dr. Jylene Sison, family medicine expert attests to the efficacy of the Brilliant Oil. According to her, she was shopping in Divisoria one busy afternoon when she saw a poster containing information about the oil and was prompted to check it as she was dealing with a severe headache that time.

Since she had nothing to lose other that a small amount of money, she decided to buy a bottle of the oil and use it to ease her headache, and with a single application of the oil on her forehead, Sison said she was relieved from pain after a few minutes.

Sison practices acupuncture at the same time and make it a point to use the oil in all her procedures. She recounts how all her patients felt relief and improvement upon using the oil.

During this period, Tobias also realized that the oil also helps improve other conditions of the body such as arthritis, rheumatism, burns, bleeding, open wounds, body pains and more.

Brilliant Oil is no panacea, Tobias said, however, most of its users have proven its efficacy in improving their physical condition and at the same time the protection it provides to our health from diseases since the 16 minerals in Brilliant Oil are all proven to boost our immune system.

“It is like having a set of health boosters in one bottle as the oil can effectively boost one’s health condition” And just like the miracle performed by the Prophet Elisha to that widow awaiting her fate, Tobias gathered all the small bottles he can and filled them up with Brilliant Oil.

Since he personally experienced the efficacy of his product and the people who knew him can tell how he was when he suffered from stroke and after taking his Brilliant Oil. Tobias had his Brilliant Oil tested and registered it with the FDA and started sharing the product to everyone who wants to try the efficacy of Brilliant Oil.

To bring this good news of miraculous discovery, Tobias has long been very active in his advocacy to educate people about the goodness and use of minerals in improving our health.

Since his product gained popularity nationwide, he also developed a business plan, which is designed to help those who want to earn at the comfort of their homes. Tobias welcomed resellers and distributors to VRT Brilliant Oil Corp.

To date, from the day he established his Brilliant Oil business, Tobias now has other health products to offer, which are all laced with minerals.

To know more about VRT Brilliant Oil Corp., visit and follow www.facebook.com/brilliantoil or email [email protected].