FASHION PULIS: Dealing with the matter

As soon as pregnancy rumors about Attractive Woman (AW) started to echo behind the scenes, Suspected Dad (SD) started fuming. SD did not like his name to be dragged in such stories and thus he launched an investigation to find out the source of the gossip. What SD did not know was the story might have started from a close friend of AW.

Allegedly, the incident happened when SD was super drunk and gave in to the teasing. AW followed SD to a private room. Days later, AW said she was not feeling well and was not able to work. AW confided in her friends that she felt she might be pregnant. Her friends reprimanded her for not being careful, but she reasoned out that they were too drunk to even think of protection. Subsequently, SD talked to AW about the future and gave her the funds to deal with the matter. AW could not go overseas and was instructed to visit a private doctor.

When AW went to the doctor, she was shocked and relieved at the same time. False alarm. AW was not pregnant after all. As for the money, AW allegedly kept it. SD, meanwhile, is careful to keep AW out of his realm, as he does not want his dates to know whom he gets intimate with.  

‘It's often not until after a decision is made that you know whether you've made the right choice. The relief tells you.’ ― Viv Albertine

Secret deed caught

Security cameras were placed all around the workplace to ensure safety of the employees. Every nook of the workplace can be monitored, which prevents any petty crime to occur as well. The workroom of Noted Personality (NP) was not exempted. A security camera was installed as per office protocol.

One time, NP requested blinds on his window that faced the corridor. NP said the people walking by distracted him. Hence, he could not work properly with His Assistant (HA). The management gave in to his request. When NP and HA were working, the blinds are down and no one can see the inside.

Later on, the security team noticed that the camera feed on NP’s work area went black. Thinking something was wrong, the camera was checked, but the equipment was fine. Assigned Security (AS) thought the camera was being covered at certain moments of worktime. A tiny camera was hidden in the room to find out if something was amiss.

The review of the footage was shocking. NP intentionally covered the camera while he and HA were doing various nasty positions. The encounters were done daily. AS was at a loss as to how to inform the boss, as NP was too valuable for the company.

HA received an anonymous message that indicated that if they don’t stop, their deed will be reported to the management and their significant others. Out of fear, HA told NP and thus, the workplace was no longer their love nest and the camera was no longer covered.

‘It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.’ − Benjamin Franklin

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