FASHION PULIS: Word of honor

When Opulent Partner (OP) found out that Adept Actress (AA) was being considered for a project, he immediately used his connections to verify the rumor. OP confirmed the rumor, but nothing was definite yet. Immediately, OP called a Production Head (PH) and told them to drop the idea.

PH talked to Big Boss (BB) about the plan to cast AA and OP’s very stern request. BB volunteered to talk to OP on behalf of the production. OP explained his dilemma if AA will accept the project. He cited that AA has certain responsibilities that no one can fill in. With her in lock-in taping, things might fall apart as he has obligations to fulfill as well. He cannot turn his back on his commitments. BB could not argue with OP’s reasons, but told him that AA has to be informed given that the idea has been broached to her. What BB did not know was that OP already talked to AA.

During their conversation, AA expressed sadness on losing the role, but OP was convincing with his side. OP said that AA can accept work when the situation is less risky, healthwise. There would always be a next time, anyway. OP offered to triple the talent fee that AA was bound to receive for the work. AA laughed and said that she understood OP.

Later, AA was shocked when OP gave her triple the eight-figure amount she would have been paid. She did not want to accept it, but OP insisted. He’s a man who keeps his word.

‘Three things you should never break: promises, trust, and someone’s heart.’ — Anonymous

No Patience for Mediocrity

The production team was shocked when they learned the reasons behind the risky move of Valued Personality (VP). Initially, the team offered to make concessions if the issue pertained to talent fee or work conditions. VP is much too important for the project, but the team realized they cannot move a mountain.

Allegedly, VP knew she might build resentment if she continued with the project. First, VP realized she was unable to work well with Meddlesome Celebrity (MC), who has a significant role. VP noticed that MC bothered with production matters beyond the acting requirements. MC seemed to exude to be better than the director. MC also had an attitude that VP cannot stand. VP would rather have MC focusing on line delivery and acting to lessen the retakes. Second, VP further lamented the cringe acting of the cast except for one lead. 

When top management found out about VP, the recommendation was to file a case for breach of contract. However, the production did not agree, as lawsuits evoke  negativity. The team said that they will make the necessary changes in the narrative to adjust to losing VP.

‘My own position is so far on the obsessive side of preparation and professionalism that I fear my point of view is not going to be shared by anyone.’ − Jonny Wilkinson

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