Once among top contenders, the pressure is to rise above the rest or maintain the position. When fame and fortune are involved, as well as new entries coming in, competition for the top position can be very stressful. Such was the realization of Top Contender (TC).
As soon as TC and the team noticed that her position was being threatened by a new Resourceful Maker (RM), they had to reassess their vision. The team assessed the strategy of RM and the ways she managed to catch up with the top players in a short time. They realized that the strategy of RM had been done before by TC and her team, except for an idea that could stir up her family. Thus, they embarked on reaching out to popular figures. The plan worked, but seemed to lack something that RM had. The team suggested doing a deed that would touch the hearts of the supporters. Allegedly, although RM is helping out, the profits are still comfortable.
A Member (AM) suggested doing what RM does but with a twist so their work would not look like a copycat. They could level up what RM is doing. Unfortunately, TC does not want to spend too much. TC fumed and lashed out at AM, who seemed to have defended RM. TC said that the team was hired and paid to raise fresh ideas, not recycled ones. TC added that she finds the work of RM tacky and too scripted. Hence, TC decided to drop the idea of cloning what RM has done. Later, AM received a text indicating his services are no longer needed.
‘Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.’ − Thomas a Kempis
True Love
Love hit Struggling Gentleman (SG) hard. SG realized his feelings for his Love Interest (LI) were not requited. SG and LI used to spend time with each other, exchange messages, or call each other almost every day. By contrast, communication had been seldom if none lately. SG’s messages were left at seen status and waiting for a response seemed futile. The pandemic made seeing each other difficult.
LI’s excuses centered on her work and commitments. However, SG wondered why LI made time for events that made him look awkward when it came to life decisions. SG is the unannounced boyfriend. The decision to keep their alleged relationship private was the request of LI. SG respected that decision. Hence, the articulated thinking of LI made SG feel lost as far as his status in LI’s life was concerned.
Meanwhile, SG was not about to give up easily. He expressed willingness to sacrifice his showbiz career if that would appease LI. The problem was that SG’s fallback was not strong. His college course was not popular in the job market. Worse, SG’s embarrassed to approach his family for work. Nonetheless, his love for LI is immense and he would gladly do anything to win her over constantly.
‘Sometimes in life, you do things you don’t want to. Sometimes you sacrifice, sometimes you compromise. Sometimes you let go and sometimes you fight. It’s all about deciding what’s worth losing and what’s worth keeping.’ – Lindy Zart
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