When Tarrying Talent (TT) was handed a script for a project, she scrutinized the cast. Then, TT made a comment that shocked the producer. She said some cast members do not have star quality. TT suggested asking an Industry Player (IP) to hire some of its talents who can surely attract the audience.
The producer responded by reminding TT that the situation has changed. IP might have been generous before but the times are different. Circumstances have made many talent managers hang-on to their talents unless the deal is worth it. Moreover, the talents TT suggested will not be shared by IP and the only way to get them is to offer lucrative packages to lure them away. Such is impossible at this time.
Meanwhile, the staff questioned the pickiness of TT. Allegedly, they have observed that TT is taking too much time before deciding on a project. While others are desperate for work, TT has received compensation and only has to give the go-signal for the cameras to roll. Besides, TT should be the one to make the adjustments to co-workers, who are not out to steal the attention from lead stars anyway. TT’s co-workers and production team need to work and most of them are on a no-work, no-pay status. Although timing is a consideration, sometimes grapes can age into vinegar instead of wine and the delays might affect TT’s stance later on.

‘Some of our important choices have a timeline. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice that involves change. Thus, an opportunity may be missed.’ − James E. Faust
Winning Way
Resourceful Personality (RP) was shocked when she found out she did not make the list of a coveted role in a project. RP was confident that she would top the list, as she was most qualified. However, she heard from the grapevine that she was no longer needed.
The rumor bewildered RP as she worried about the repercussions on her career. Allegedly, she feared that lack of exposure might diminish her fame. Thus, she communicated with the decision-makers to clear the air and stressed that she declined lucrative offers from other management companies. Further, she added that she struck gold for the company, too.
RP’s arguments were not bought by the decision-makers, who replied that many projects were collaborations and not synonymous to a talent alone. Teamwork spelled success. The reply disheartened RP, but she did not give up.
Subsequently, RP reached out to a mentor, whose words carry weight. Cornered, the mentor assured RP of her dreams and her role in the project. RP got her way and the decision-makers could not do anything as the mentor had decided.
‘My lousy way of getting it done is better than your great way of not doing it.’ − Terry Rossio
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