FASHION PULIS: Messy girl and friends

Female Celebrity (FC) was scheduled to go on an out-of-town trip. Supportive Partner (SP) made sure she had good accommodations where she was going. SP called Owner Friend (OF) to request if FC and a few friends could use his pad while they were in the area. OF agreed and asked the Cleaning Woman (CW) to put water and food in the fridge.

When FC arrived, CW was surprised as she came with more people than expected. CW was informed that three persons were coming, but around seven came. During their stay, FC did not bother to hand money to CW, who used her own funds for the water and food.

Feeling at home, FC and her friends smoked inside the pad. CW then asked them to smoke outside the room, as what OF does whenever he was staying while on vacation. The companions of FC ignored CW’s request and continued to fill the room with their smoke.

CW is not tasked to clean the pad daily as that was the practice of the place. With FC around, CW was told to clean every day. Despite working, CW was not handed any tip at all. CW kept quiet until FC and her entourage left for home. CW immediately told OF what transpired. OF was upset at the uncouth behavior of FC and her company at his place. Subsequently, OF called SP and said he will never lend his pad to him again.  

‘It can be said that any one person's overall character and demeanor is but a reflection of the sum total of his or her thoughts.’ − Beau Norton

Setting Parameters

Lovestruck Lad (LL) suddenly felt a bit of insecurity when he found out that His Precious (HP) might be doing love scenes with Cute Hunk (CH). LL knows that HP and CH are close and share a deep friendship. Showbiz followers are familiar with the friendship of HP and CH that started way before she and LL officially announced their relationship.

To make sure his presence is not to be missed, LL sent food, flowers, and other sweet goodies to HP. Besides, LL also knew that CH fits the type of man that attracts HP. There was a story that went around that had LL not sent feelers to HP, she would have chosen CH, who was at the brink of courting her as well. Thus, given every chance, LL would ring up HP. His online presence sent a statement that she is already taken and CH should know his boundaries.

The guarding of each other is not just one way, as HP constantly reminded LL that he has a beautiful partner waiting for him. Subsequently, HP would ring up LL when she has the opportunity. The frequency of calls was not unnoticed by the workmates of LL. They could not help but comment that LL could not fully focus on his work whenever HP calls. They assumed that HP was guarding LL in her own way.  

‘There is no such thing as perfect security, only varying levels of insecurity.’ − Salman Rushdie

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