FASHION PULIS: The Intangible

Managing artists is often seen as a business and to protect the interest of management, certain clauses are indicated in the contract. For example, to ensure the image, a talent might be given restrictions on where to be seen in public, how to behave offcam, and who to be with when going out. Violating the provisions might mean sanctions or cancellation of the contract itself. However, other managers require compensation in case a talent no longer can or want to fulfill his/her obligations.

When a Network Talent (NT) expressed an intention to opt out of a project, the initial reaction was to slap NT with the payback provision. Top Executive (TE) allegedly calculated the amount NT needed to pay back to free NT from completing the contract.

NT saw the huge amount but expressed the desire to pay. NT then asked Other Executive (OE) if a discount is possible and reminded OE that the situation already happened to Another Talent (AT), who did not pay anything for causing a project to undergo significant changes. AT remained with the network after given that consideration. Then, NT said that the choice to leave was an option as the management contract was ending soon.

When OE heard the plan of NT, she immediately talked to TE. OE presented the detrimental effect if TE pushes through with the plan of squeezing the amount from NT. Thinking long-term and their depleted roster of talents, TE backed down. After all, NT is a prized talent and if freed from contract, other management teams will definitely bid for NT’s services. Not everything can be measured by what is tangible.

‘One day you will realize that material things mean nothing. All that matters is the well-being of the people you love in your life.’ −-Leon Brown

Two Faces

A competitive spirit can be quite overwhelming when a reputation is at stake. However, social media is an entirely different field when competition is talked about. The challenge of joining social media is having many followers that can translate into monetary compensation. Unlike traditional forms of media, engagement data can be accessed in real time online.

Social media followers want something new and creative, which motivates creators to plan well. The subject must appeal to the viewers better if the work could encourage new followers, too. While some might find the environment toxic, Creative Talent (CT) loves the competitive spirit.

CT has been working hard to bring to the audience entertainment, to make them remain loyal and interested. Regardless of the environment’s effect on health, CT fully focused on achieving the goal and ensure top status. Sadly, health was sacrificed. Allegedly, CT was advised to take things easy, but resting seemed difficult to CT, as work was priority.
After a very brief break, CT was up and about, like nothing happened. Only CT’s gregarious side reflected.

‘I constantly know that showbiz is going to be short-lived, you have to grab every opportunity as well as you can.’ − Gemma Collins

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