Did former Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos Jr. accept the nomination of the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan as its presidential candidate for 2022.

In its National Convention held at the Thunderbird Convention Center in Binangonan, Rizal, Marcos thanked his partymates for adopting Resolution No. 01 naming him as its standard bearer for 2022.
Lawyer Larry Gadon, who was nominated KBL senatorial bet, said Marcos had indeed accepted the nomination.
On the other hand, KBL president and Ilocos Sur board member Efren Rafanan said the former senator’s message was not clear.
“The program emcee may have said that BBM was accepting the nomination but his tape recorded message was not categorical. Nevertheless, what is important is we adopted the resolution for him to run as our presidential candidate in 2022,” said Rafanan.
In a video message, Marcos thanked the KBL for the support they have given him.
“I am overwhelmed by the expression of support and endorsement. I hope to continue to work to achieve that ideals to achieve that vision (of my father) for our country,” said the young Marcos.
The political party founded by the late former president Ferdinand E. Marcos adopted Resolution No. 01 endorsing thbe former senator as its presidential candidate for the 2022 national elections.
The KBL also adopted Resolution No. 02 nominating Gadon for senator.
The anti-corruption and good government advocate lawyer Larry Gadon for senator. said the former senator will be given the “honor” of choosing his running mate in the 2022 presidential race.
The controversial lawyer said he accepted the KBL nomination because the country is still being besieged by corrupt government officials since the People Power Revolution toppled the Marcos administration in 1986.
“The people were duped in 1986 as their ideals were betrayed by the Yellows,” he stated.
Gadon admitted that the KBL will consider alliances with other political organizations to further strengthen Marcos’ presidential bid.
“BBM is now the strongest candidate This is the reason why the Aquinos and the Yellows are doing everything to attack Bongbong’s candidacy,” said Gadon.
Ilocos Sur Board Member Efren Rafanan, KBL president, moved for the adoption of the two party resolution as he opened yesterday’s convention.
“We must seek to enthrone the anointed leader of the land because this is the leader vested with authority to implement God’s will,” said Rafanan in his opening remarks.
“Now is the time to rejoice, to claim justice, this is the time for vindication and most of all the time for victory. Mapapalad tayong lahat, magbabalik tayo sa Malacanang,” declared Rafanan.
Several partylist organizations, namely United Filipino Consumers and Commuters (UFCC) ; ABAKADA, Labor Party of the Philippines, Partido Pederal ng Pilipinas, Katipunan ng Pamilya Pilipino (KPP) and Kalinga, were among the groups that threw their support to Marcos’ presidential bid.
Lawyer Al Vitangcol of KPP said the 2022 elections will be the staging ground for real change in the country to start.
“The Philippines had returned to its status of the ‘sick man’ of Asia, the worst state it could be in since 1970’s. The Filipino family, the basic unit of the society, had been relegated to the sidelines, neglected and shunned especially during these times of the pandemic,” Vitangcol said.