Former Camarines Sur Rep. Luis Robredo Villafuerte, the longest-serving governor of the province, died Wednesday, September 8, exactly ten days after celebrating his 86th birthday last August 29.

The father of former House Deputy Speaker and incumbent Camarines Sur Rep. LRay Villafuerte and grandfather of Gov. Miguel Luis Villafuerte, current provincial governor, the elder Villafuerte died at the St. Lukes Medical Center, it was learned.
He was the husband of Manila Bulletin business columnist Nelly Favis Villafuerte.
In a Facebook post on his father’s birthday, Rep. LRay described the retired political leader of Camarines as “an original Agila” (eagle).
“He was an outstanding banker, economist, businessman and Finance expert,” the incumbent lawmaker said.
According to Rep. Lray his father was a TOYM (Ten Outstanding Young Men) awardee for banking and finance before serving two presidents as Cabinet member.
He was a secretary of trade under the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos and was named secretary of government reorganization when the late President Corazon C. Aquino rose to power in 1986.
Villafuerte served as assemblyman of his province from 1978 to 1986 before winning the gubernatorial race on the same year.
He was the longest serving governor of Camarines Sur, his career as chief provincial executive spanning from 1986 to 2002.
“As the longest serving governor of #camsur for 16 years starting 1986, who (he) laid the foundation for the rise and progress of the province of Camarines Sur,” said Rep. LRay who also served three full terms as governor of the province.
Starting 2014, the elder Villafuerte represented the second district of the province for three terms.
“We are all grateful for all that you have done to lift the lives of our people as you continue to help make a difference in their lives today!,” wrote Rep. LRay in his birthday message to his father.
“You continue to amaze us with your bright ideas and innovative thoughts on how we can lift our people from poverty through out of the box programs and projects,” he said.
The incumbent House member added: “We truly value your wisdom and expertise especially in these times.”