A French boat captain was rescued from his distressed sailing yacht OUMA in waters off Tubbataha Reef in Sulu Sea last Wednesday, August 25.

Boat skipper Peter Niklaus was heading toward Puerto Princesa in Palawan from Siaton, Negros Oriental on August 6 when his yacht suffered engine trouble.
The vessel was adrift for several days after lack of fuel and bad weather prevented the captain from navigating the yacht towards land.
Philippine Coast Guard personnel monitored the yacht in seas off Zamboanga del Norte on August 16.
With the help of local fishermen, PCG Southwestern Mindanao together with BRP Bagacay personnel managed to locate and establish contact with the captain and finally rescued him in the vicinity of Tubbataha Reef on Wednesday, August 25.

Niklaus, the only passenger in the yacht, was reported in good condition.
Nicklaus and the yacht was brought to Zamboanga City where the skipper was ordered to undergo mandatory quarantine as part of Covid-19 protocol.