

Atty. Gregorio Larrazabal

What is the Pink Sun Rising?

The pink sun is a symbol which I came up with a friend, Tom Yboa, a few years back.  You’ll probably see the symbol in several places all over the Philippines.  It’s usually in the rear windshield of a vehicle, or on bicycles and motorcycles.

The first thing you’ll ask is, why pink?

On a personal note, pink symbolizes cancer awareness.  We lost our father and sister to cancer, and we constantly remind others on the importance of cancer awareness, especially these days.  In fact, the Terry Larrazabal Bike Festival (the biggest cycling festival in the Philippines) was conceptualized not only to remember our dad, Terry, but also to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The particular pantone color also breaks the political stereotype.  It’s not the usual red, yellow or other political color.  Studies before showed that when people would see the pink color, they would be less aggressive, less violent.  I think that’s what we need now in our world, especially in the world of politics.  Less arguing, and more talking and action.  In a world where even family members don’t anymore talk with each other because of differing political views, we must relearn to agree to disagree.  Not every time we talk about politics, should it be a confrontation. It doesn’t necessarily mean that just because we belong to opposing sides of the political spectrum, everything we say is automatically wrong.  Conversely, doesn’t mean to say that just because the person is an ally, everything he says or does, is right.  Learn to discuss based on issues.

What is the pink sun?

The pink sun rising is a symbol for people that there is a better tomorrow that awaits us.  Too many times, “change” has been used as a slogan to stir emotions, but in many cases, it turns out, not to make things better for the populace.  We need to changethings but changing things for the better.  That’s the key word.  BETTER.We need to remember that, despite the odds, despite the challenges, despite how things are not how good we want it to be, and how oftentimes we just want to give up out of frustration or just sheer exhaustion, the pink sun rising is a reminder that, we should not give up.  That we too will rise and make things better… TOGETHER.  We work together.  No matter what side you belong.

We are all Filipinos and we deserve, no we should demand a better Philippines. We owe tomorrow’s generation no less.

We walk this journey, together, towards a better tomorrow.
