The year 2020 proved to be the most challenging yet in my lifetime. Looking back, a year ago, who would've thought we would live through history all over again! Remember the 1918 Influenza pandemic? But just like in history, pandemic or not, the Earth will continue to spin, and life will go on as we all learn to create and adapt to the different challenges life has to offer.
They say, "if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"; indeed, with the pandemic, our lives have changed forever. Restrictions brought about by the pandemic have forced everyone to stay home. As such, work and school tasks had to be accomplished from home.
Unexpectedly, what was supposed to be a routine has now become complicated and unfamiliar. I, for one, had personally experienced this as my children and I struggle to accomplish our tasks simultaneously, given only the tools we had.
The abrupt digital transition for our family wasn't easy. The problem with having appropriate devices used for school and work became an issue. On top of that, we also had to deal with the problem of not having enough internet connection so that everyone can function well at the same time. In the beginning, I thought what we had was enough, but as work and school tasks become more demanding, the devices that my children had seemed to fall short of what is required. So, what do you do when devices can no longer keep up with the demands of the tasks at hand? Sadly, at the height of the pandemic, the need for an upgrade was inevitable.
Faced with the challenge of adapting and creating for ourselves and our family new, effective and productive ways of working and learning from home, we learn to realize and appreciate the things that work and get to stay in times of uncertainty. Despite all the bad things that the pandemic has brought us, there are also good things to be grateful for.
One device that I truly appreciate and have stayed with me during the pandemic is the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G.
Apart from its stunning appearance, what was impressive about the Samsung Galaxy Fold was its ability to withstand and deliver whatever task it was given.
Here are the top 4 tasks the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G helped me (and my kids) get through the challenges of the pandemic.
1. As my primary work device
For years, due to the nature of my work, I've gotten used to doing everything work-related with my trustee laptop. And so, when my daughter's laptop could no longer handle the functions of online classes, I had no choice but to lend her mine, and I was left with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2. Productivity-wise, I got a lot of work done. I had no problems with the programs and web pages that I needed for work.
Samsung Galaxy Fold 2's multi-active screen feature.
I easily connected a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to type away, just like what I do with my laptop.
I also found it beneficial to work from my workstation to the kitchen switching to using the SwiftKey. Typing was as easy as the keyboard splits given the widescreen real estate (in tablet mode). And speaking of widescreen, I am particularly fond of the split-screen and multi-active window feature, specifically when I do work from the kitchen. With its 7.6-inch main screen, no difficulty here in viewing 2 to 3 apps all the same time. More on this below.
2. As my video conference device
Video conferences are efficiently executed with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2. For obvious reasons, you get a clearer and more extensive view of the people you are communicating with than just using your mobile phone. Video conferences usually take long. Conveniently on Flex mode, I don't have to hold the device while on a video call.
This mode allows me to place the phone down on a flat surface and comfortably do my video call/conference. While on flex mode, I have access to calls' settings on one side of the screen while the other side shows the people I am communicating with. The device's stereo speakers and mic are audible, giving you loud, clear, and crisp audio; no fuzzy or muffled sounds on both ends.
The multi-active screen feature offers versatility for multi-taskers like me. While on zoom call, I can check on my email or post on Facebook. You can multi-task on other apps if the app allows it.
3. A perfect health buddy
Since lockdown, I've been using the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 as my exercise buddy. I am most often on either the Blogilates app or on YouTube. Both apps look really great on Fold 2's big screen. Incidentally, it is also the device my daughter uses for her online PE class. Take note that my daughter's PE class is Mobile Legends: Bangbang, and she specifically requested if she could use the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 for her class. She says it is easier to bring around compared to a laptop. In addition, it has clearer, smoother, and faster gaming capabilities compared to her mobile device. Did I mention that her PE Mobile Legends class begins with 15-minute sweat-inducing warm-up exercises? And with the Galaxy Fold 2, she does this either in the garage or the outdoor garden without having to do any major setups. The Samsung Galaxy Fold 2's portability allows her to carry the device along with her other PE stuff easily.
During the lockdown, the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 was a perfect exercise buddy.
4. A device that can stand the heat in the kitchen
One skill everybody tried to learn during quarantine was cooking. Thanks to YouTube's thousands of contents and the Galaxy Z Fold 2, I learned the skill. Not so good at cooking, though, but I did learn. Whenever I try a new recipe, I use the split-screen feature - with the recipe on one side and YouTube on the other. This way, I can view the recipe on one side as a guide and watch the step-by-step procedure on the other. At other times, when I am already familiar with the recipe but not yet too confident on its procedure, I use the Galaxy Z Fold 2's front screen, rotate the device on landscape, and go hands-free by slightly opening the device to watch the video on tent mode. No extra setup is needed.
Watching video on tent mode.
A year ago, when the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 was issued to me for work use, I was thrilled as I know I was holding the future of smartphones.
Little did I know that it did make me survive my immediate future. It did serve me well and continues to serve me well. It indeed has remained resilient, just like its user.