How to plant and grow kangkong

Water spinach or kangkong is a fast-growing crop that is abundant with vitamins and minerals. This can grow well in soil with pH values from 5.3 to 8.5. This veggie has two varieties: the upland (Ipomoea reptans) and aquatic (Ipomoea aquatica) types. The former is adaptable to any growing condition while the latter is mostly cultivated in moist soil. 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay.

Kangkong can be grown in two ways: cuttings and seeds. Either way, the health of the growing media will determine the success of the plant’s growth. Here´s what to do to plant them:

Sow four kangkong seeds in a polybag containing loose soil that is rich in organic material. If propagating the plant from cuttings, dig holes in the soil and plant four cuttings in every container. Moisten the soil after sowing, then set them in a cool, dark place. 

Continue watering every day or when needed, which varies depending on the climate and variety. After 10 to 15 days from planting, add a tablespoon of vermicompost to the soil. Feed the plants by spraying fermented plant juice (FPJ) twice a week to boost their resistance to pests and diseases. 

Read: Making fermented plant juice and vermitea for your garden

Worms and mealybugs are some pests that commonly attack kangkong plants. Add 100g of crushed chili in 16-liter water and use this natural insecticide to control the pests. 

Kangkong can be harvested in just 20 to 40 days after planting. Collect its leaves early in the morning or afternoon to prevent them from wilting. 

Many growers would agree that this is a beginner-friendly crop that even city dwellers can grow. Aside from it being easy and fast to propagate, one can also benefit from its nutrients. 

Watch AgriTalk: 2 Easy learning video series episodes 48 and 49.

For more information, get in touch with the farmers’ contact center at 09209462474. This is a guide from AgriTalk’s 2 Easy Learning Video Series presented by the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and Manila Bulletin’s Agriculture Online.