5 ways to prevent transplant shock 

It’s difficult to avoid transplant shock, which happens when plants get stressed after they are transferred to a new environment or container. For gardeners out there, here are some things to keep in mind to prevent or at least help the plants recover from transplant shock.

Be gentle. As much as possible, do not shake or overly move the roots as you replant them to another growing medium. Do not smash the root ball for it to loosen or break. Gently transplanting the plants decreases the possibility of the roots getting disturbed. Get as many roots intact to the plant as possible.

Photo by Severin Candrian on Unsplash.

Water the plants. Giving the plants a drink after transplanting them can help reduce the shock, too. Keep the root ball moist before and after relocating the plant so its roots won’t dry. Lack of moisture can cause damage to the roots and can eventually affect crop growth. In contrast, also make sure to have proper drainage so the plants won’t be soaked in water for too long.

Other techniques to treat or alleviate transplant shock

Concrete solutions to fight transplant shock are yet to be found, but here are some ways that might work whenever it’s time to repot the plants. 

Sugar as a remedy. Some studies have indicated that a water-sugar solution can help in the recovery period of plants and can also be applied during the time of replanting. 

Trim the plants. This encourages new growth.

Wait. Continue providing the care that the plants need and allow them to recuperate after a few days or so. 

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