Pride 2021 celebrations power forward with Lazada Philippines bringing together LGBTQIA+ and HIV-awareness group, Love Yourself, Inc., filmmaker Pepe Diokno and other influential artists from the LGBTQIA+ community to launch the #LazadaPride2021 campaign that advocates for unity and inclusivity.
The campaign kicks off with the premiere of ‘Apology’, a three-part short film series directed by esteemed filmmaker, Pepe Diokno, that showcases stories from the LGBTQIA+ community and underscores the message of self-acceptance and love. To encourage the spirit of unity and inclusion, Lazada Philippines brings together and spotlights talented artists from the LGBTQIA+ community through a series of livestreamed events with ‘Pride is Alive’ from June 23-27.
From a live fashion and drag show to a make-up tutorial session and live ‘tsikahan’, consumers can enjoy a series of celebrations with film director Antoinette Jadaone, writer and actor Juan Miguel Severo, chef and author Clyde San Pedro, Cebu fashion designers, and drag queens Eva Papaya, Ms. Letket, Precious, Eken, Turing & Bench via LazLive and Lazada’s Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube channels.
Finally, Lazada Philippines also teams up with Love Yourself, Inc., to showcase a special Milkwear x LoveYourself Pride Month capsule collection where all proceeds from the sale will benefit Love Yourself, Inc.’s HIV awareness and free-testing projects.
“We at Lazada Philippines believe that Pride represents values such as inclusion and unity that should be embraced every single day," shares Neil Trinidad, Chief Marketing Officer of Lazada Philippines. “For 2021, we wanted to continue encouraging Filipinos to do their part in nurturing a culture where diversity is celebrated, inclusion is valued, and respect is championed.”
In support of the campaign, Noel Evasco, the Head of Partnerships for LoveYourself Inc. adds, “We are grateful to have this partnership with Lazada that allows us to not only be able to expand our reach to more people but to also continue spreading the message that now more than ever, we need to do our part in nurturing a culture that allow people to thrive authentically as they are.”
To shop and support the Milkwear x LoveYourself Pride Month collection, consumers can visit the store here: lzd.co/MILKWEARxLOVEYOURSELFatLAZADA