When Talented Celebrity (TC) was starting, fans and management saw her potential. She was versatile and willing to try new projects given to her. Predictably, her handlers gave her a partner.
But while their loveteam had fans, TC was shipped to another actor. This time, the fan base grew, and their reel relationship became real. TC seemed to have everything going her way until rumors of unquestionable behavior hounded her. Her partnership was again dissolved.
As months passed, TC was spotted with Another Talent (AT). Both denied speculations they were already a couple. Their social media posts were careful in not placing them together in the same place and at the same time. Still, some followers pointed out similarities in their posts that seemingly show they’ve been together.
In terms of career, TC was way ahead of AT and that sparked rumors that AT might just be using TC to gain momentum. However, TC’s camp has remained silent and AT has not said anything to announce any formal relationship with TC.
TC, at her age, has been subjected to many rumors concerning her personal life and attitude. One rumor that refuses to die down is that she might be in the interesting stage.