Outsourcing Summit 2020: 100 Job Roles in 8 Hours

Written by Robert "Bob" Reyes

During the onset of the current pandemic, some members of the country’s Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry said that their trade is heading towards its sunset. But, if we will ask Derek Gallimore, Chief Executive Officer of Outsource Accelerator, this is not true. As a matter of fact, his company is organizing the Outsourcing Summit 2020 virtual conference next month.

“I have a lot of confidence in outsourcing. With technology allowing offshore staffing, remote work and tools made this a perfect storm,” according to Gallimore.

In response to the current economic climate and the fast-changing needs of both the Philippine outsourcing community and the SME business of North America, the Outsourcing Summit 2020 is slated on 08 October 2020. This whole-day event is consists of six (06) sessions that include three (03) live outsourcing BPO walk-through tours and panel discussions. With over 2,000 business owners and employees across North America who wish to explore outsourcing for their trade, this unique immersive virtual summit will showcase the behind-the-scenes of the world-class Filipino BPO industry.

The event promises to generate 100 new roles for 100 new outsourcing customers on the day of the summit itself – just within an 8-hour period – which is an industry-first. 

“The event aims to demystify outsourcing for small and medium-sized businesses around the world and provide clear insight, first-hand experience, and actionable information. The summit encourages businesses to start their outsourcing journey ‘today’, and so it is giving away some fantastic risk-free deals that enable businesses to confidently take the next step and try outsourcing,” added by Gallimore.

Among the outsourcing industry leaders and experts scheduled to speak at the summit are Don Felbaum of AmCham & Optel, Dir. Senen Perlada of the Department of Trade and Industry, Tim Vorbach of EMAPTA, and Lloyd Ernst of Cloudstaff.