Permits to develop Laguna Lake shoreland areas suspended

The Laguna Lake Development Authority has suspended the issuance of clearances to develop the Laguna de Bay's shoreland areas pending the review of policies on the management of these portions of the lake.

Laguna Lake Development Authority

In a memorandum circular signed by General Manager Jaime Medina last June 15, the LLDA said that the processing, including receipt and approval of applications for Shoreland Development Clearance, will be held in abeyance.

"Our Shoreland Management Office (SMO) shall immediately inform all applicants of the status of their pending applications and of the effectivity of this memorandum," Medina said in the memo.

In issuing the memorandum, the LLDA noted that despite the Authority's continuous efforts in enforcing its mandate, "unauthorized development on Laguna de Bay shoreland areas have been prevalent in the past years, which undoubtedly pose undue ecological disturbance, deterioration, and pollution within the Laguna de Bay region."

"Thus, in the exigency of efficiently carrying out the declared policy to protect and preserve the Laguna de Bay and its environs, this Authority is currently reviewing its policies on the Laguna de Bay shoreland management and its proposed amendments," it added.

The memorandum, however, will not be applicable to proposed development, which are initiated by the national government, its departments, agencies, and instrumentalities, as well as any local governments, and other proposed developments for public use.

"Furthermore, let it be reminded that the Memorandum Circular No. 2018-02, Suspension of issuance of Shoreland Lease Agreement/Shoreland Occupancy Permits, remains valid until revoked or superseded," it added.

The Laguna de Bay shoreland area, also known as "buffer zone," is the part of the lakebed along the lakeshore lying at an elevation of 12.5 meters and below and alternately submerged or exposed by the seasonal rising and lowering of the lake levels.

It is a linear strip of open space designed to separate incompatible elements or uses, or to control pollution, nuisance and for identifying and defining development areas or zones.

A clearance to develop the shoreland area is granted by the LLDA to national government agencies, including government, whether provincial, city or municipality, and barangays, and to owners of private lands, to use or develop shoreland areas of the Laguna Lake in pursuit of their projects and activities under the terms and conditions prescribed by the LLDA guidelines.