Yvette Tan

Yvette Tan is Manila Bulletin’s Agriculture section editor and also the Editor in Chief of Agriculture magazine. A Palanca-award winning writer, her perspective on agriculture is unique. Originally coming from lifestyle and food journalism, she has seen firsthand the deep divide between the realities of food production and the trendiness of foodie culture. She is dedicated to encouraging people to push for sustainable food sources and is an advocate of food security, food sovereignty, and the preservation of community foodways.

Contact her at [email protected]

Viral before and after reforestation photos offer hope for the future

Typhoon Carina wreaking havoc over parts of Luzon these past few days, drives home the point that our current infrastructure is not storm-proof and that flooding will continue to get worse as the climate crisis intensifies. 

Jose Rizal’s farming dreams

I’ve always said that farm life is the lost Filipino dream, and there is no bigger example of this than out national hero Jose Rizal.
Aside from his numerous mentions of food and agricultural products in his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, his personal letters are filled with references of food and agriculture. 

Young agripreneur turns father’s salted pork hobby into moneymaking business

What’s mundane to one person can be special to another. And once one realizes that, it can become the basis of a profitable business.

Canning: An answer to the tomato dumping problem

News of farmers dumping tons of unsellable tomatoes by the roadside due to oversupply has been an unfortunate reality for many years. 

A farm called freedom

I’ve always maintained that farming is the Filipino dream, and that growing your own food is a path to freedom. Malaya Farms is proof of this.