Raymundo W. Lo, MD, FPSP

Vaccine wars: Weaponizing life-saving jabs

A recent Reuters story reported that the United States military  launched a secret operation to discredit China-made Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine in spring 2020 and lasting until mid-2021. It was in response to  China’s perceived growing influence around the world, particularly in the Philippines, where former president Duterte had shown support for China and its leader, Xi Jin Ping. 

Artificial Intelligence in medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) hugged the headlines recently with Pope Francis warning: “Yet at the same time, it (AI) could bring with it greater injustice between advanced and developing nations or between dominant and oppressed social classes.” 

Addressing obesity and improper nutrition

Senate Bill 2675 has been filed by Senator Lito Lapid which will mandate food service establishments to disclose caloric and nutritional information in their menus. According to the explanatory notes, “Nutrient content information provided at the time of food selection in food service establishments would enable consumers to make more informed and healthier food choices.”

Physician, heal thyself

“Medice, curate ipsum” comes from the Bible, Luke 4:23: “Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, ‘Physician heal thyself’; whatsoever we have done in Capernaum, do also in thy country.” 


Sinophobia is a fear or dislike of China, Chinese people and/or culture. It is frequently directed at ethnic Chinese living elsewhere and involves issues of immigration, nationalism, ideology, wealth disparity  and even past history and racism.