Mhycke C. Gallego

About moral courage and breaking the silence

In "Ethics and Pressure, Balancing the Internal Audit Profession" (2015), the Institute of Internal Auditors defined organizational political pressure as a situation in which individuals use their authority to gain personal benefits or to protect an organization by trying to influence the audit activity or audit reports. 

Should artificial intelligence be ethically good?

Is there an artificial intelligence (AI) CPA in our midst? 

Should artificial intelligence be ethically good?

Is there an artificial intelligence (AI) CPA in our midst?!

Last year was filled with news that ChatGPT4 passed the CPA board, along with medical, law and other examinations, in the United States. Since the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November 2022, a host of other chatbot AI’s has since emerged, either public or customized as in-house chat and analysis tools. And they have been used extensively, from school requirements to office reports, and in our daily activities.