Joey Alarilla

Technews Columnist

Joey Alarilla is the Head of Content for AI and web3 startup He is a regular contributor to e27 and also blogs at A Life More Ordinary, where he promotes his three advocacies: the ordinary life, technology for good, and cancer awareness.

His career path includes becoming Yahoo!’s Southeast Asia Head of Social and Community, the Director and Regional Digital Officer for Asia of Manulife, and the Multimedia Head of Level Up! Inc.

He has launched his own personal brand for Spaces, Joey Alarilla Live, which tackles different tech- and gaming-related topics. Follow him on X @joeyalarilla

A Bitcoin story

In 2017, I purchased Bitcoin for the first time. It couldn’t have been easier. I just walked to the 7-Eleven branch near our office in Makati and got PHP500 worth of the cryptocurrency using the popular cryptocurrency wallet, which allows anyone to buy bitcoins even without a bank account. 

Why should you care about Web3?

In the final part of Joey Alarilla's "Why should you care about Web3?", he discusses the evolution of the internet and its significant impact on our lives. He notes that while Web2 revolutionized user interaction and content creation, it also brought challenges like power concentration and data exploitation. Alarilla explores the rise of Web3, its potential to address these issues, and the role of blockchain technology in shaping its future. Despite skepticism, history shows that new technologies often face initial doubts but can become indispensable.

Why should you care about Web3?

Have you ever come across the term Web3? Maybe you saw it in a post or heard someone use it. But why is it called Web3? Isn’t there just one Web? The one you and I are using now to read this article in the first place? To explain this, we need to step back, starting with the internet, which came before the Web. The internet’s predecessor, ARPANET, was born in 1969 and laid the groundwork for many tools we use today.