Fil C. Sionil

Still under pressure

Excitement, in a slightly negative way, stained the otherwise boring financial markets as the news of Vice President Sara Duterte’s leaving the official family of President Marcos’ administration reverberated throughout the country.

Desalination, anyone?

Walking around the central business district of Makati and playing golf are two routines that I avoided, whenever possible, for nearly four months since the soaring heat index.
But I may have to go back to both activities following the announcement last week by the weather bureau -PAGASA - that the unusual warming of surface water in this tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, otherwise known as El Niño, has already come to pass.


The banking community is in a state of delirium.

No, Virginia. It’s not due to the clinical syndrome of “FliRT,” the newest COVID variant that health authorities believe has the ability to evade immunity despite previous vaccinations.

Sticky inflation

Inflation remains as sticky as a rice cake. “Its ugly head,” a descriptive term I first heard some 27 years ago during the visit of International Monetary Fund Managing Director Michel Camdessus in the country, will continue to show due to combined effects of external and internal developments.   

The CEO and the Chairman @the PEB

ALMOST, always I never pass up any Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) invites, cocktails or otherwise and much more to attend the Philippine Economic Briefing (PEB) at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).