Dr. Bernardo Villegas

All education is sexuality education

Those who are trying to sneak into our society immoral practices regarding sex by referring to “international standards” set by such woke-obsessed organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation spread the false news that so-called “conservative” groups, especially those associated with practicing Catholics, condemn sexuality education in any form. 

The story of Benguet Corp.

Last January 10, 2025, Benguet Corp.'s top management celebrated 75 years of its listing on the Philippine Stock Exchange by ringing the exchange's bell. The invitation came from the PSE Board of Directors, led by Chairman Jose T. Pardo and President and CEO Ramon S. Monzon. Just two years prior, Benguet Corp. celebrated its 120th anniversary.

Why the Philippines is succeeding Part 1

The year 2024 saw the Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to two economists, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson (along with their colleague Simon Johnson), who wrote a widely read book by development economists and political scientists entitled “Why Nations Fail.” 

Why the Philippine nation failed Part 7

From the review and critique of the book "Why Nations Fail" by Acemoglu and Robinson—along with Simon Johnson, a Nobel laureate of 2024—which appeared in the last six articles, we can conclude that the Philippines' failure to achieve high-income status over the past twenty to thirty years can only partially be explained by the theory of extractive versus inclusive institutions.

Why the Philippine nation failed

Another case of "technocrats" saving the day for countries that suffered from long stretches of extractive political institutions, which Acemoglu and Robinson completely ignored, was Chile. Chile suffered under the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet from 1973 to 1990. After the 1973 Chilean coup d'état on Sept. 11, 1973, the military dictator turned to a group of Chilean economists who trained under the famous Nobel laureate in economics, Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago.