Dr. Bernardo Villegas

Pambansang Pabahay Para Sa Pilipino

The Pambansang Pabahay Para Sa Pilipino Program, also known as the 4PH Program, is the national housing program of the Philippines .  It was launched in September 2022 with the goal of having zero informal settlers by 2028. It is no brainer for any Government to determine priorities in addressing the most urgent economic needs of the population. 

First give them fish Part 2

The Department of Social Welfare recently announced a major effort to tackle hunger and undernutrition, especially among kids. The Food Stamp Program (FSP) aims to address involuntary hunger, malnutrition, and stunting in Filipinos. 

First give them fish: Part 1

It is easy to give the oft-repeated advice to teach poor people how to fish rather than giving them fish. As anyone who has been involved in development work in poor countries knows, this is very reasonable and wise advice to follow in the long run. "Teaching" always takes some time, however.

All education is sexuality education

Those who are trying to sneak into our society immoral practices regarding sex by referring to “international standards” set by such woke-obsessed organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation spread the false news that so-called “conservative” groups, especially those associated with practicing Catholics, condemn sexuality education in any form. 

The story of Benguet Corp.

Last January 10, 2025, Benguet Corp.'s top management celebrated 75 years of its listing on the Philippine Stock Exchange by ringing the exchange's bell. The invitation came from the PSE Board of Directors, led by Chairman Jose T. Pardo and President and CEO Ramon S. Monzon. Just two years prior, Benguet Corp. celebrated its 120th anniversary.