Principled unity: Lessons from history



The recent arrest and extradition of former President Rodrigo Duterte to face trial for alleged crimes against humanity has reignited deep divisions in Philippine society.

Some view this as a long-overdue act of justice, while others see it as politically motivated. As a Rotarian for over four decades, I have always held steadfast to the Four-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Through this lens, I believe that justice, truth, and fairness must prevail, but they must also lead to unity rather than further division.

History offers profound lessons on how nations heal after turmoil. One of the most compelling examples is the leadership of Abraham Lincoln in the aftermath of the American Civil War. Lincoln faced a deeply fractured nation, yet he pursued a course of reconciliation rather than vengeance. His call for “malice toward none, with charity for all” was not just rhetoric — it was a guiding principle that sought to mend the wounds of war through justice tempered with mercy. While he remained committed to holding the Confederacy accountable for its actions, he understood that unity was paramount to nation-building.

In our post-EDSA experience, seven coup attempts were mounted against the Aquino government, even after the people had ratified the 1987 constitution overwhelmingly, with more than 90 percent voter participation. The new government focused its efforts on rebuilding the democracy that was supplanted by 14 years of authoritarianism. President Corazon Aquino tapped her erstwhile defense secretary Fidel Ramos — one of two main heroes of EDSA — as her candidate in the 1992 elections.

After winning the elections, Ramos  reached out to his erstwhile opponents in efforts to build a broader support base for government initiatives. This proved to be beneficial as the country dealt with a crippling power shortage. But its economic resurgence was also slowed by a regional financial crisis that began in Thailand and spread to East Asia.

Joseph Ejercito Estrada was elected President in 1998, outpolling his next two opponents. Yet his regime was short-lived. EDSA 2 was triggered by  a walkout in the impeachment trial convened to probe alleged government scandals; subsequently, top military leaders withdrew their support for Estrada, replicating what had happened in 1986 when then President Marcos was ousted by a coup d’etat backed by People Power.

In retrospect, the Philippines has endured significant internal strife, from colonial struggles to martial law and political upheavals. Each period of reckoning has tested the nation’s ability to reconcile justice with unity. The arrest of former President Duterte presents a critical moment: Filipinos must decide whether to remain mired in political vendettas or to move forward with a renewed commitment to principled unity.

What does principled unity require? First, it demands adherence to the rule of law, ensuring that justice is impartial and free from political bias. Second, it calls for inclusive dialogue, where diverse voices — supporters and critics alike — are heard and respected. Third, it necessitates a shared vision for national progress, where past grievances do not hinder future cooperation.

Alas and alack, adherence to the rule of law — as the current government had endeavored to demonstrate by enforcing the International Criminal Court’s arrest order against former President Duterte — has sown dissatisfaction among his followers.

What, then, must we endeavor to attain?

Filipinos must reject the cycle of hatred that has long characterized political discourse. Constructive engagement, not demonization, must define the public sphere. Civic and political leaders must act not out of personal vendettas but out of a genuine commitment to national healing. Media institutions, too, play a crucial role in ensuring that narratives surrounding this moment are framed with accuracy, balance, and responsibility, thereby enabling the citizens to decide sensibly and opt for pathways that promote the common good.

Throughout my professional career, I have witnessed the efficacy of applying Rotary principles in addressing major dilemmas and conflict situations.

The Four-Way Test remains a guiding principle in these turbulent times. Truth must be upheld, but it must also be tempered with fairness. Goodwill and better friendships must be fostered, even among those who once stood on opposing sides. And most importantly, every decision made today must contribute to the benefit of all Filipinos, not just a select few.

Our search for truth has been hobbled by contrarian forces. One of these is technology-aided political dysfunction. I refer to the massive proliferation of lies through the spread of fake news in social media.

In a hearing at the House of Representatives last week, high-profile vloggers admitted that they put out unverified material, conveniently using the Filipino word ‘daw’ to mask their propensity to avoid diligent fact checking. One of them rationalized that her vlogs were based on what she thought and felt at the time she was pounding the keyboards and unleashing unverified venom against targets of her disdain.

In the Manila Bulletin, we insist upon diligent fact-checking by our reporters when they gather and write news stories. Vloggers in social media should be similarly accountable. 

As history has shown, unity is not the absence of accountability — it is the result of justice pursued with wisdom and compassion. The Philippines has a chance to emerge from this period stronger, but only if its people choose dialogue over division and principled unity over partisan conflict.


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