But at the end of the day, this Snow White isn’t for us.
A review of 'Snow White'
At a glance

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the original animated film from 1937, is sacrosanct, especially for older Disney babies like yours who grew up on Snow White and the other classics of the Disney Studio’s Golden Age. We tend very much to follow the adage (and I am borrowing a line from Beauty and the Beast’s Cogsworth the Clock here), “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
As an old-time fan, remaking Snow White was a touchy subject, and I think most of us from that generation had reservations going in, with specific unfortunate comments by certain people not helping the matter. But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and at the risk of overdoing tried and true cliches, don’t knock it till you try it.
The visuals are a treat, and if there is anything this version was able to capture from the original, it is the sense of whimsy. The production design was perfect for what it was: a fairy tale. The movie is a template for an experience at a theme park. I can imagine the attractions already.
Walk through the house of the seven dwarfs, take a trip down the mines with them, and then talk to the magic mirror!
As with almost everything Disney, a large part of the experience is the music, and on that front, this iteration of Snow White was able to hold its own with catchy new songs and reinterpretations of old favorites.
There are, however, changes that may or may not sit well with some people. There is no prince in this one, charming or otherwise. And far from the hapless. Helpless damsel, this Snow White is more proactive and a step closer to being a rebel leader. These things run counter to an old-time fan’s sensitivities.
But at the end of the day, this Snow White isn’t for us. We of the old guard are welcome to watch and enjoy it, but it wasn’t made for us. This is for the new generation of Disney-Babies, the Gen Alpha youngins who have no qualms about the missing prince or any of the other dozen changes heaped upon the classic to bring it into modern times. They will see it with wide eyes and open mouths. They will giggle at the dwarfs and cower at the Evil Queen.
And with any luck, they will treat this as their classic, a movie to look back on when they grow up and have their own Disney babies.