The National Bible Sunday culminates on National Bible Week. The week reminds us of the all-important Word of God as our guide and instruction.
As someone puts it, BIBLE is the acronym for: “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”
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A man once bragged that he read the Bible from cover to cover several times. But someone remarked, “People who read the Bible from cover to cover, know only the cover.”
Just reading the Bible is not enough. What’s most important is to ponder God’s teachings and apply it in everyday life.
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It’s inspiring to know that more and more Catholics are doing the Biblarasal. They meet regularly, read passages in the Scriptures from which they seek the will of God, then apply its message in everyday life. The message could be the gospel values of honesty, forgiveness, justice, caring for the needy, like what the Good Samaritan did in helping the victim who was mauled by the robbers along the road.
Whereas before those lukewarm Christians led selfish and vice-ridden lives; now they have become active and exemplary church members. Take note that the teachings of God as contained in the Bible are there not as a burden on restriction of our freedom but rather serve to guide us and work for our own personal good and, collectively, for the country.
For instance, in regards to God’s command of fidelity to one’s spouse, some may feel restricted of their freedom to enjoy the company of other women or worse, grossly disregard the vows they professed in marriage. Infidelity, however, inflicts deep emotional wounds, bitter quarrels, which lead to a broken family.
Moreover, God’s command, “You shall not steal,” is imposed not only to curb greed or shun graft and corruption but also the unabated violation of the command leads to the country’s economic poverty and eventual perdition.
When you think about it, there’s no other choice but to follow God’s will since it shows us the path to eternal salvation and true happiness. Not following His will makes one like an atheist or non-believer who, when he dies, is all dressed up in the coffin but has nowhere to go!
If you live a selfish and sinful life, you will end up in eternal perdition. Fortunately, there’s hope of salvation. That is, if we “repent” of our wrongdoings, make reparation, and live a new life in Christ.
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Laugh with God. A small boy asked a friend why his 80-year-old grandma was always reading the Bible.
He replied: “Because she’s cramming for her final exam!”
Note: The Bible should not be read only when one is in the “pre-departure area” but must be read constantly as guide to God’s Kingdom.
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Q. Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible? A. Moses. Because he broke all 10 Commandments at once. (That is, when he threw down the stone tablet inscribed with the 10 Commandments)
Q. What do they call pastors in Germany? A. German Shepherds.
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A man and his wife were arguing about who should brew the coffee each morning. The husband said, “You are in charge of the cooking, so you should do it.” The wife said, “You should do it, because you get up first.”
“Besides,” the wife added, “even the Bible says the man should do the coffee.” Husband, “I can't believe that, show me.” She fetches the Bible, opens it and shows a page, saying... “Hebrews!” There you have it: “He brews coffee.”
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Support Seminarians. Please help our seminarians who have enrolled for the second semester. Seminarians are important. Without them, we cannot have ordained ministers to dispense the sacraments like baptism, confession, Holy Mass as well as missionaries to evangelize peoples in far-flung places.
Donate any amount or sponsor a seminarian’s schooling good for one school year. (E-mail: [email protected])