Cordillera cops net 1,151 loose firearms in 2024

CAMP DANGWA, Benguet – Police said 1,151 loose firearms were confiscated and 82 gun violators were arrested in the Cordillera region from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024.


The Police Regional Office-Cordillera said the province of Abra had the highest number of gun violators with 37, followed by the Kalinga Police Provincial Office with 19, Apayao PPO with 11,  Benguet and Mountain Province PPO with five each, Baguio City Police Office with four, and Ifugao PPO with one.

One-thousand, thirty-eight unlicensed or unregistered firearms were voluntarily surrendered, 81 were confiscated, and 32 were recovered.

The Abra PPO recovered 388 guns, followed by the Benguet PPO with 158, Kalinga PPO with 144, Ifugao PPO with 132, Mountain Province PPO with 128, Baguio City Police Office with 113, and Apayao PPO with 88.