FASHION PULIS: Newest couple

According to the social circle grapevine, a Beauty Expert (BE) and a Seasoned Politician (SP) are the latest couple.

BE, a popular personality, was able to transcend the stereotype notion that a pretty face only has her curves and physical attributes and nothing more. As BE did not retire from the limelight, her presence showed she had brains and wit. BE subsequently gained more fans as she proved she was more than physical beauty.

SP, meanwhile, has a successful career in his arena. Being in politics for some years, SP proved he could handle himself amidst the political veterans. After all, SP had to prove his capability and that he was not just carrying a last name synonymous to politics. However, young as he is, SP already has a reputation of having an eye for beauty. He has had relationships with several women known for their beauty expertise. Unfortunately, none of his relationships worked out and rumors indicate his last relationship is undergoing court proceedings. This is probably the reason why SP and BE cannot come out as a couple yet.

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If BE and SP were indeed the newest pair, their relationship might even be welcomed and not criticized. Both of them are no longer in relationships and are free to love whom they choose. Besides, BE’s fun personality could complement SP’s serious stance. Hence, BE and SP could be added to the growing list of partners that merge beauty and politics.

‘If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on earth, you need to treat it like it is the most amazing thing on earth.’ — Anonymous

The departure

One of these days, a major decision on Wrong Side (WS) celebrity’s career might be revealed. On the one hand, detractors of WS will immediately blame her for her predicament and bring back her past actions as wrong. Thus, her current status is all about karma. On the other hand, sympathizers will dismiss it as good riddance or that something better will happen.

WS was apparently caught between Executive 1 (E1) and Executive 2 (E2). E1 and E2 had good intentions when they were starting. E1 took much risk in the venture and gave it his time, name, and other needed resources. However, E2 did not deliver on his end of the deal.

Allegedly, E2 represented himself as a partner and Chief Executive of the company. That was not true given that E2 was just an employee. Worse, he entered into contracts that E1 was not aware of. Subsequently, E1 found himself having to settle a huge amount as a result of E2’s actions. As E1 knows his reputation in the business world is at stake, he had to make sure his credibility as the face of the company will not be tarnished. He knew he had to fix the mess E2 left. E2 allegedly flew overseas and cannot return, too. He also has legal trouble here.

For whatever her reasons were, WS took the side of E2. Now, watchers are at a loss at the reason for WS's recent social media action. Before, everyone assumed and assured that all was well between E1 and WS. Looks like their own partnership is over.

‘There can be an easy way to interpret things some times and it seems like maybe I'm on the wrong side of those interpretations a lot of those times.’ — Kyle Busch

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