BJMP bags topnotch international management standard rating plum


The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) received the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) recertification award.

BJMP chief Director Ruel Rivera said the certification highlighted the agency’s commitment to a continuous improvement, effective governance and delivery of quality service in jail management.

"It is not the piece of paper that we are after. But we are after the meaning that comes with it, the value that it means to what we stand for as a bureau, and to what we offer to the people who depend on us in the service," Rivera noted.

With BJMP receiving the honor, Rivera pointed out that the bureau “now faces the challenge of maintaining this high standard’’ in managing its facilities.

"The next part of this journey is making sure that every one of us does their part well, operating in commitment, intentionality, and love for our bureau," he stressed.

Rivera explained that the ISO 9001:2015 QMS recertification is a vital step in the Jail Bureau's ongoing efforts to contribute to the Ambisyon 2040 initiative of the government and the fulfillment of its strategic roadmap dubbed Journey for Advancement, Innovation, and Long-term Development Plan or J.A.I.L. Plan 2040, reinforcing the goal of creating a safe, secure, and peaceful community.