Over 12.2-M trees and counting as PPA includes tree-planting as requirement for business permits

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has planted more than 12.2 million trees across the country in the span of four years, the project was launched amid concerns on worsening effects of climate change over the years that include widespread flooding and extreme heat.

PPA General Manager Jay Daniel Santiago said the tree-planting project was also integrated to the order of President Marcos to integrate reforestation into disaster mitigation projects.

Since 2020 when the project was launched, Santiago said a total of 12,297,938 trees were planted as reported by the Port Management Offices and certified by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

“PPA adheres to the concept of ensuring that port activities are focused on minimizing the adverse or negative impact to the environment and ensuring that all aspects of port operations and port development are geared towards the protection and preservation of the environment for the maximum utilization of port facilities,” said Santiago. 

In 2020, Santiago issued an administrative order (AO) mandating tree-planting, especially mangrove, as one of the major requirements for companies seeking for the issuance of accreditation, Certificate of Registration, appointment, or Award of Contract, or Renewal/Extension.

Under the AO, a PPA accreditation certificate, certificate of registration (COR), permit to operate (PTO), appointment, including contracts for the provision of services in the ports are subject to the condition that the applicant/grantee shall plant trees and/or mangroves of at least 1,000 seedlings.

Santiagos said that tree planting initiatives of PPA aims to combat climate change and environmental concerns that continue to affect human lives.