How The Grand Hausse is taking fashion & dining to the next level

Uncover the hidden meaning behind its intriguing concept

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Located along Quezon Avenue in Quezon City stands a new establishment that houses a unique and sophisticated blend of fashion, art, and dining. The Grand Hausse officially introduced the brand’s fusion of premium fashion and gourmet dining at its grand launching event last September 12, where guests were welcomed by the maximalist aesthetic setup and intriguing mannequins with masked faces.


The masked mannequins, along with the masked models who starred in the bold and dramatic fashion show, and the blending of maximalist fashion with a culinary experience, set The Grand Hausse apart from its competitors. Through its visionary approach to fashion, every collection at The Grand Hausse transcends aesthetics to become a powerful tool for self-discovery and authenticity. The brand conveys the concept of ego-detachment and liberation from external validation together with maximalist designs and vibrant colors; it emphasizes that life should be celebrated every single day and inspires an individual to step into their best self.

The grand opening of The Grand Hausse featured a fashionable clothing collection, designed by its CEO and founder, Micah Shi, inspired by the profound journey from darkness to light and incorporating elements that capture the challenge and success of discovering one’s inner light. 

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Micah Shi (right) with Maria Angelica Villanueva-Sibal (left) at The Grand Hausse Grand Launching last September 12

Each collection also tells the stages of self-discovery wherein the first collection, The Whispers of Lotus was inspired by the lotus flower that blooms from the muddy waters, symbolizing the dark night that most people go through.

From that, the collection evolves into displaying lighter designs that represent the moment when one begins to spark one's inner light. The Radiant Spirit collection displays brighter fabrics and uplifting silhouettes, capturing the essence of overcoming adversities and fully embracing one’s inner light. The Divine Seraphs collection radiates strength, grace, and divine energy that serves as the yin and yang after the discovery journey, representing the balance between dark and light.


Aside from the elegant collection of fashionable clothing, the highlight of the night is the fashion showcase where the models were seen wearing masks and portraying transcendental poses. These masks are significant to the message that The Grand Hausse wants to convey — ego detachment. Shi also explained that the use of masks is a metaphor for the journey of detaching from external validation and stepping away from what the world tells one to be. The covering of the eyes also expresses the message of following one’s heart and not what other people dictate and reveal one’s true self.

“I wanted to create something truly unique and intriguing, something that no brand has done yet, at the same time conveying the brand's message. In this symbolic darkness, the absence of outside influences allows you to turn inward and seek the light within. It’s about finding your true self, your authentic desires, and your higher purpose, based on what your heart truly wants, not what society dictates,” Shi explained.

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“At The Grand Hausse café, the energy is one of abundance, creativity, and artistic expression, and this powerful atmosphere has the ability to transform not only your mood but your overall outlook. When you surround yourself with this kind of uplifting energy, it naturally shifts your mindset, making you feel more positive, inspired, and aligned with your higher self,” Shi added.

Meanwhile, the transcendental poses mirror an individual’s transcendental state of mind where the flowy motions symbolize surrender and openness. It is also a state of detachment from the ego, where one becomes aligned with their spirit and higher awareness.


What makes The Grand Hausse more interesting is how it beautifully integrated art and fashion into food to make a statement. To make guests experience more sophisticated dining, The Grand Hausse introduces the first designer pasta on its menu, where pasta is hand-made using organic superfoods. More than that, the designer pasta is intricately crafted with detailed patterns that reflect the unique fusion of European and Filipino flavors.

This fresh dining experience resonates with the brand’s vision towards self-discovery and aligning with the higher self by feeling good. The menu offers a range of delectable dishes from seafood, chicken, and beef, all presented as art on a plate—deliciously pleasing both the eyes and the mouth.


When asked about the inspiration behind blending fashion and dining, Shi stated, “The unique concept of blending fashion, art, and dining in one store stems from my deep desire to create something truly transformative—something that leaves a lasting impact not only visually but on a deeper, emotional level. I’ve always believed that art, in all its forms, has the power to uplift and inspire the spirit, and the idea was to create a space where guests don’t just wear fashion, but also taste it.”


With its curated clothing pieces and artistic food choices, The Grand Hausse is making a step toward fashion and dining that uplifts the spirit by encouraging individuals to awaken their true selves and empowering them to break free from societal validation. Carrying this mission in mind, The Grand Hausse creates a destination not only for luxurious clothing and food art pieces but also a movement toward inner authenticity.

Visit The Grand Hausse and check out their premium boutique and café for exclusive promos and loyalty programs. For more information, visit