Rain or Shine passes first playoff acid test – Guiao

At a glance

  • Rain or Shine head coach Yeng Guiao was very much pleased by the show of character from his wards after successfully passing the first acid test in the playoffs when it survived a hot-shooting Magnolia in Game 1 of their quarterfinals series.

In a game of runs where the loser is determined by which team falters first, Rain or Shine proved to have the poise and mental fortitude to come out on top in a grindout affair.

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Rain or Shine head coach Yeng Guiao was very much pleased by the show of character from his wards after successfully passing the first acid test in the playoffs when it survived a hot-shooting Magnolia in Game 1 of their quarterfinals series.

“We were willing to battle. We were just trying to grind it out. Nung natirahan kami ng tatlo, apat na four-point shot, a team of weaker stuff would have folded up so it's a testament of the character of the guys. We were able to come back after that,” said Guiao in the aftermath of the Elasto Painters’ 109-105 win.

ROS actually took control for the most part of the third frame before Magnolia rallied back and even established a double-digit lead early in the final frame. 

Aris Dionisio and Jerrick Ahanmisi connived in an impressive stretch where the Hotshots dropped four straight long bombs – three from the four-point territory and one from the three-point arc. 

ROS trailed 91-100 before the team went on a 18-4 finishing kick to draw the series first blood.

As the Elasto Painters tried power through the adversity, Guiao credited their defense that turned the tables in the final six minutes of the contest.

“Magnolia really surprised us because they tried to play the game that we also like to play and they were able to keep up with us but I guess we made some big plays,” said Guiao.

“We forced some crucial stops and we were able to prevent them from executing. I think medyo na-stuck ata sila on 102 for a while so that was the stretch where we really played good defense,” he added.

Aside from their defensive struggles against Magnolia’s hot-shooting, ROS’ own outside sniping was also not there for the team after shooting just 5-of-26 from deep including a 0-of-12 in the first half.

Good thing, ROS managed to keep in step with import Aaron Fuller dominating the paint. He went on to finish with 26 points and 20 rebounds.

“Aaron did a yeoman's job in the middle so we feel that he's really the anchor that we can rely on game after game,” the fiery mentor pointed out.

“Palagay ko our character is being tested and at least, for now, we passed the test.”