LOOK: Camille Villar pranked by Alex Gonzaga

At a glance

  • In a recent post, Gonzaga showed how the lawmaker from Las Pinas City kept her cool as two of her personal assistants (PA) played out a scripted fight while the two were having a chitchat in one of the branches of Coffee Project.

Vlogger Alex Gonzaga (left) and Rep. Camille Villar

Not even Rep. Camille Villar was spared by actress and vlogger Alex Gonzaga from her numerous pranks.

In a recent post, Gonzaga showed how the lawmaker from Las Pinas City kept her cool as two of her personal assistants (PA) played out a scripted fight while the two were having a chitchat in one of the branches of Coffee Project.

The prank started while Alex and Camille checked how each other had been. One of the personal assistants interrupted the conversation between the two to complain that the other PA had been slacking at her work. The interruption caught the two by surprise.

Suddenly, the other PA approached the complaining assistant, shouted at her, and grabbed her hair. The two entangled in front of Alex and Camille, who stood up and got out of the way of the two fighting assistants while Alex and another PA tried to interfere.

After the two were separated, one of the PAs sat on the other side of the room while the other on another side. Alex and Camille resumed their conversation.

Soon after, one of the assistants crossed the room and again grabbed the hair of the other PA. They again engaged in another hair-grabbing encounter. This time, Camille stood up and moved to one side of the room, visibly concerned about the ongoing fight. The video showed the lawmaker was worried as she watched what was going on.

When things calmed down, Camille and Alex again sat down, with Camille asking the actress if the two assistants were okay. Alex apologized for the incident, to which Camille reiterated it was okay, adding she was unhurt.

Alex then called her two assistants and told them to apologize to Camille, who let the incident pass but advised them to settle their differences.

At this point, Alex, the two PAs, and the rest of the staff told Camille: It's a prank!

A visibly relieved Camille laughed off the incident.