Toughie, brother stabbed in pre-dawn attack in Cebu City

CEBU CITY – Six persons barged into a house and stabbed a toughie and his brother  before dawn on Friday, September 20, in Sitio Laguna, Barangay Bulacao, this city.


Police said the attack happened at past 4 a.m. in the house owned by the Cabanes family.

Investigators said the intruders first broke into the room of Nora and started looking for something.

Nora said there were four persons who barged into the house while two others stayed outside and served as lookouts.

Once inside, the intruders looked for Jonathan, son of Nora.

When they spotted Jonathan, the four men took turns stabbing him, police said.

Jonathan’s older brother went down the stairs to check the commotion but was also stabbed by the intruders.

The perpetrators  fled on two motorcycles. The wounded siblings were rushed to the hospital.

Police Major Jeciree Basitao, chief of the Inayawan police station, said the motive of the attack could be personal grudges.

Police said they learned that Jonathan is a known toughie in the barangay and was allegedly involved in illegal drugs.

Basitao added that Jonathan was previously arrested for illegal gambling but was able to post bail.